
So what, exactly, is TED?

[An essay about TED from Talking Bull]

It’s not an easy subject to talk about. You say you want to know, but are you willing to open your mind enough to accept what I’m about to tell you? There are no facts to support my story. No testimony other than my own that can be offered for validation. The majority of you will skim through the words in order to find a theme so you can relate to it during future walkabouts. Some will make the attempt to absorb the context and process it in ways that can be understood for future debate, but without intention to find true meaning. Others will surprise me by simply making it this far…

This story is not for any of the above. This story is for one, or perhaps two of you who will find enlightenment and hope from learning. For those select individuals… comes TED.

In order to understand TED, you must first accept some basic principles of your own life on earth. In 1955, a journalist by the name of Susan Smith became captivated with spirituality and psychical existence. After receiving an inheritance, she decided to spend the next year researching the subjects more closely in an effort to prove or disprove the notions of life after the death experience. Susan examined numerous false claims ≠ as we all have ≠ and discovered that the field had so many avenues and angles, it became difficult to follow a path for research from a journalistic perspective. She eventually found books of Dr. J.B. Rhine, head of the Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory. She was impressed that there might be a systematic way to research the subject in an objective and factual manner. Susan was fortunate to be able to join Dr. Rhine’s lab as a participant, and was trained in critical appraisal. As her research continued, she was not only able to validate psychical experiences objectively, but learned from first hand accounting that channeling with others beyond the grave was possible…

Okay, let’s stop there for a moment… Take a breath. Where in the hell is Talking Bull going? Where’s the joke? Let’s get to the part about the blonde with big tits! All I can say is that I tried to tell you in the first paragraph… Now, stay with me.

For the sake of time, let’s not go in to the practice of channeling, except to say that it involves receiving the energy being sent from spiritual communicants in a way that can be understood. We’ve all met someone with a “Ouija board” experience, but the more common methods of channeling include automatic writing and vocal relay.

Susan researched and participated in various forms of channeling, finding that automatic writing via her typewriter to be not only an effective means to attempt to understand channeling, but also a vehicle through which her, and millions of people after her, became enlightened.

In 1967, Susan began receiving messages from a spiritual communicant named “James”. The purpose of James’s message was twofold. The first was to provide Susan with an accounting of what takes place after death, and the second was to fulfill a promise James had made during his life on earth. Over the next three years, Susan became the dictator for William James, the former Professor of Psychology and Philosophy at Harvard University. In 1974, Susan Smith published “The Book of James”. In it, is a first hand account of our existence after the death process, and an explanation of our purpose in the next phase of existence.

WHOA!!!!!!! Hold on there little Philly… YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT ME TO BUY THIS SHIT? The answer is quite simple. No. Except, for perhaps one or two of you. As for the rest of you… humor me.

There is no way for me to go in to the detail and scope of the “James” book. In various chapters he touches upon virtually every question or thought you may have had, are having, or will have about your existence after your life on earth. This is not a lead-in to New Testament type material. There is no point where James pleads to the reader to forsake Satan, sin no more, and prepare for the second coming. His explanations are more like watching a Nova documentary about a subject you know nothing about.

According to James, at the point of death, you simply remove yourself from your physical body, much like you would take off a coat. The essence of who you are (personality, intelligence, emotions, memories, and experiences) always remains with you, and never changes or leaves. Your soul or spirit contains all of what makes you unique to others, and, like all forms of energy, it is not extinguished at death, but rather takes on a different level of existence. Many people don’t even know they have died, because they can’t tell much has changed. There world is similar to how they left it, because that is the natural order of things. It would be too incomprehensible for us to die and try to move on if angels with wings and spirits of light would be everywhere. Natures order calls for gradual change, like a tree going through the changes of the season, or a person growing from childhood to adult to elder.

James explains that our time on earth is not to procreate, become successful, or obtain material possessions, but rather only to establish our own individuality and character. We take these attributes with us, and they in turn become our contribution to the overall fabric of the universe, much like adding a new instrument to an orchestra. The more we can enhance these things during our time on earth, the more it will help us to progress to an upward path in our next existence.

Now, if you want to truly understand TED, then you need to absorb what I’ve relayed above. TED, you see, is a state in which we heighten our individuality. That statement without all the background I’ve provided does not offer much of an explanation, but by understanding the significance of character and individuality in the scope of eternal life, you begin to get a grasp of how important TED can be.

So, how do you know when TED is present? TED can (and should) be an integral part of your lives, both in and out of the Fookarwie. Since the Fookarwie is the avenue for which the concept of TED was first introduced, I will limit my examples of TED to that venue. TED is:

  1. The feeling of hope and excitement you experience when you get closer to arriving at the next walkabout.
  2. The desire to turn THIS year’s tournament in to one in which you take the honor of Chief.
  3. The reunion between old friends.
  4. The crispness of the morning as you take the first steps onto the course and survey the days potential.
  5. The experience you have when the shot is hit clean, and the ball is soaring to the exact spot you intended.
  6. The acknowledgement, enthusiasm, and support received from your fellow warriors.
  7. The precious clip of time you wish to savor from laughing uncontrollably with the three others in your group.
  8. The shower you take after 36 holes.
  9. The satisfaction from a proper meal, and rest.
  10. The bonding. The energy that entangles you during the planning, betting, gambling, story telling, and yes, the singing.

There is a special note I wish to convey about the music. Remember, the music is not TED in and of itself. It’s what the music does to your soul that is the essence of TED. The alcohol is also something that I’ve left out. Not because it has no importance to the Fookarwie experience, but because it is not a requirement for finding TED.

The 10 examples listed above are not exhaustive, but should provide you with a sense of finding TED. From the feelings you receive, to how you conduct your life, treat other people, and open your mind to new ideas, and challenges. These types of attributes not only build upon your character, but also prepare you for accepting the truth and learning to move forward in the next realm.

That’s as far as I’m going with it for now. If I’ve written this effectively, you should be at once bewildered and curious to find out more. All I can ask is this:

If there is but one shred of truth in what I’ve written, what should be your next step?

Oh, and by the way, the name TED has no direct definition. It is not intended to be an abbreviation for longer words, phrases or reference to native american history. It’s simply a word to use when describing to other fookars when it’s going through you.

Good luck on your journey.

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